Your Truth Doesn't Need A Reason

I know that so many of us struggle with having a positive and loving self-identity. Often times the way we think and feel about ourselves is rooted in limitation or lack. This can manifest as not feeling worthy, deserving, good enough, lovable, valuable, beautiful, smart, capable, strong, etc.

I too have been down that road. For years I thought I was worthy or deserving because of something, like an achievement, money, intelligence, grades, job. And that something I needed to have in order to feel worthy or deserving was always so elusive. It would never stay, it would leave, get taken away or something else would come into the picture that now I needed to have.

When the we feel about ourselves is dependent on something else or because of something then, we are always going to be chasing or striving for that 'something'. And often times even when we do achieve that something, we still may not truly feel how we really want to feel. It will be a momentary a hit.

This is an endless vicious cycle, with no end, because in actuality we can truly never control the outside. What we can control is the inside, what we choose to think or feel about ourselves independent of anything.

This is when we can truly reclaim our power and make a conscious decision to stop letting the way we feel and think about ourselves be attached to something we do, achieve, have or be.

Rather let it be something you are.

You are worth.You are enough.You are deserving.You are smart.You are valuable.Period.

We can choose how we think and feel about ourselves despite of something.

Our true power comes from within, not in attaching ourselves to know our truth because of something.

In this video I share with you a simple yet powerful way to start knowing what your truth is because your truth never needs a reason or justification to be the truth.

Lies need a reason and justification to be valid, but the truth just is.

Journaling Prompt:

1.What lies have I been telling myself? Remember lies always need a reason or justification to be such.

2. What is my Truth? It is not dependent on anything, it just is.

Remember your truth always feels good.Stay open.