“You are a mirror reflecting a noble face.

This Universe is not outside of you.

Look inside yourself; everything you want you are already that.”

- Rumi

Deep Listening Session for Your Inner Child

Come on a journey with me into your inner landscape where your inner child lives. This session is for them. For them to be seen, heard, acknowledged and held. For them to be met in their pain, power, joy, innocence and truth. For them to be validated and loved as they are.

In this high visibility container, I deeply listen to your inner child and hold the container with my presence for them to speak and come as they are.

When we speak out our pain, the wounded parts of ourselves that live in shame, fear, insecurity, unsafety, lack, we begin to bring our system into balance and regulation. We give a voice to what wants to be said, heard and listened to. We uncover the emotions underneath the stories and begin to attune to our emotional state. In our emotional states is where the inner child lives and it is through working with the emotions can we begin to liberate our inner child. A liberated inner child holds the key to living as our authentic selves today.

For this session, I ask you to tune into the story or belief that you often go into, what is the default narrative you tell yourself? We will work with this storyline to access the inner child and let it come forth to speak, share and be witnessed. By doing this we will get a deeper understanding of your state, which are the default emotions stuck in your nervous system and how your state is creating the story.

This session will require you to get into the somatic experience in your body, as this is where the inner child is active and alive. Your body holds the pain and only there can it be transformed into power and liberation.

This session is not for you if you just want to stay in your cognition and go around and around in the story. To have a real felt experience of your inner child and its pain we will go into the body. This is session is for you if you are ready to integrate and gain the authentic wisdom your inner child has to offer you.


1 x 90 minute session

Recording of session

Follow up work, notes & resources as applicable

Self Seeing Session

In this potent intimate container I deeply see into you and offer intuitive guidance. I read your energy field, I notice your blocks, your stories and patterns. I hold the frequency of clarity, authenticity, self-love and sovereignty so that you may rise into these frequencies within yourself.

This container is for you and what you specifically want to dive into so that you may see, meet and know yourself. I call this self-seeing because when you see yourself, you understand how to meet yourself and give yourself what you need. This session is a mix of practical integrative work, energywork, guided meditation and an open honest dialogue so that you may access your own innate wisdom.

You will leave this session with clarity, empowerment and most of all having touched yourSelf in a potent and powerful way.

Let us see what we uncover and unearth together in this session.


1 x 90 minute session

Recording of session

Follow up work, notes & resources as applicable

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