How to Create a Meditation Practice

Just like anything in life, without practice there is no progress. If you want to reap the infinite benefits of meditation, then consistency is key!

Most of us struggle to stay consistent to things that we especially know benefit us. This is because we are so quick to tell ourselves a story that we know isn't empowering. What we tell ourselves over and over and over and over again determines the actions we take or don't take.

Start affirming that things are easy for you, even if you don't believe it yet! Overtime, you will train yourself to start looking at why something will work rather than why it won't. The subconscious mind is just a big computer hardware that stores information. You have control of what information you store in it. Because the information you store in it determines how the program will run. The program in this case is your life experiences. You can gain control by understanding your thinking.

Meditation allows you to become aware of this programing by helping you become aware of the nature of your thoughts. In this space of stillness you meet your thoughts and begin to understand them.

Meditation is the experience of stillness, where your heartbeat and the heartbeat of the Universe become one. 

In the video below I hit several points on ways to create a daily meditation practice:

Stay open to showing up for your meditation practice as a self-care practice and self-love habit.

Go ahead and download my guided worksheets on how to meditate + creating a meditation practice here.

You’ll also get my journaling ebook!

Related | Part One: How to Meditate

Related | Part Three: Life-Changing Benefits of Meditation

Be patient. Be gentle. Be kind.