Embrace Your Fear

I lay in bed under the warmth of the fuzzy blanket as my eyes gazed into the dark room. A heavy feeling sank in as my mind wondered about my upcoming trip to Maui. It was the first time I would be visiting this beach paradise and my excitement all of the sudden became dampened with anxiety because of a thought, a thought fueled by fear.

At the same time, I had an out of body experience.There it was. Anxiety. Staring at me. Me staring at it. It didn't feel a part of me, but a part of my environment. I realized that what I was obsessing - fearing - thinking about, my flight getting cancelled because of the snow storm coming hadn't actually even happened. My trip was still 4 days away, yet here I was lying in bed living this reality as if it were here right now.Fear has a job and it is very good at it. To worry, to fret, to think of all the reasons why something won't work, why it's not possible, why it's not good, why it isn't time yet. And it is very very very good at its job. But you're BIGGER than fear.

Fear is a thought in your mind - and you're not your thoughts.You are the space - the consciousness in which thoughts occur.And you always have a choice which thought to embrace.

In this video I explain how to embrace your fear as a way of working with, not against it:

Where there is fear there is the way.

When I am in fear, I always ask myself this question: What would Love do?

This helps me to know that with fear I cannot come to a conclusion that feels good, and I must choose love.

Your turn, how do you embrace fear? Be patient. Be gentle. Be kind.