How to Create A Spiritual Practice


Being spiritual is a personal journey, not a certain way of living.

A spiritual practice is for the Spirit - it's a way to connect our body, mind and soul. When the mind, body and soul are in harmony, our life is harmonious. Spiritual means to tune into the frequency of Spirit - tapping into a knowing beyond the physical. We are more than just these physical bodies, we are in fact energy. You can say Spiritual is just another word for energy and the awareness of our energetic oneness.

Practice is a disciplined yet intention based choice we take daily. When we practice something - we do it to better a skill, feel a certain way or create a specific result. A practice allows us to focus upon how we will dispense our energy thus creating a result that reflects how we intend to feel.

You practice in contribution to your over-all well-being. You don't have to do it - you choose to do it over and over again. It is not about the form of the practice, but the feeling. You keep coming back to your practice for the connectivity and feel good feelings.

Our spiritual practice is an anchor into our Divinity. 

Creating your own spiritual practice should feel easy and effortless, but at the same time allows for growth and expansion. A spiritual practice is intended to get you out of your head space into your heart as you make a daily commitment to connect with your Spirit - the energy that is really running the show of your life.

+ Start by making a feel good list - things when you do them really make you feel good. Then, from the list choose a few activities that you would love to do everyday. Some activities could include: exercise, walking in nature, earthing, yoga asanas, drinking hot tea, cooking for yourself, complimenting someone, cold showers, laughing, etc.

+ Now make a list of things that nurture and grow your mind. These activities may not necessarily be easy, but greatly open your mind to different ways of perception and new knowledge. Some activities could include: reading spiritual text, meditation, affirmations, mind dump conscious stream of writing, puzzles, gratitude journaling, etc.

+ Write down core feelings you want to feel in your Spiritual Practice. What do you want the activities you do to feel like? Glow, connection, abundance, ease, flow, energized, movement, presence, love, supported, divine, power, light, clarity, etc.

+ Pick your why for your Spiritual Practice. Answer these questions in your journal:

Why am I committed to building and maintaining a relationship with my Soul?

What value does that connection hold for me?

A spiritual practice is for nurturing, connecting and honoring your Soul. Our practice is a way we build, strengthen and commit to our relationship with our Soul. In this daily commitment we begin to discover the truth of who we are, which allows for growth and a better understanding of our journey on Earth.

A spiritual practice is feel good practice

Start small and be easy on yourself. The intention for your practice is to feel good so do what feels good and right for you. Let your practice give you what you need to give yourself. 

Your turn, share with me your spiritual practice or your thoughts about creating a spiritual practice for yourself.

Be patient. Be gentle. Be kind.